Normal Space (my studio-mezzanine-bedroom-office-space contemporary art space) development continued almost all day today. I began by removing some unnecessary items, and then continued with a paint job that instigated reworking some of my room’s electrical components, and concluded with pondering (in the head, as I type) another room shift, re-positioning my wooden desk so as to maximize floor-to-ceiling space in the main cavity of the room, and consolidating the vital organs of the room all within the structural frame of the mezzanine. Makes sense, but perhaps some visuals will assist:
Currently, my two desks are near the windows, facing each other. As such, all of my warez are stored on this side of the space, in various piles, stacks, drawers and files:
The space under the mezzanine is currently empty:
This space was planned to be future exhibition space, but now that is beginning to make less and less sense. It would be cramped and crowded, intimidated by the wood frame of the mezzanine. Unplanned, but fateful perhaps, all of my essential furniture and shelving will fit comfortably, nay snug, underneath the mezzanine.
This would shorten all of my needed electrical cables, and also make running electricity and signal cables to the projector a snap! The cables would merely run backwards and then drop down the post, instead of having to run sideways, down a post and along the floor for a few feet, which would also require longer cables all around.
Unfortunately, this means Normal Space expansion & development is about to continue well into the evening, and beyond. I finished the current paint job, and if I’m about to move around more furniture I will expose some negative spaces where the sun hasn’t shone in years. I’ll need to clean everything up in the next week (not forgetting to enjoy Turkey Day) if there’s any possibility of having an exhibition in this space late next week, possibly by my mate Cassie before she leaves for Finland for a residency!