flavin and new work

After I dropped of my work yesterday at Eyebeam – for the La Superette event tomorrow – I was walking past the Paula Cooper Gallery on W 21st Street (they don’t have a website? seriously? only a listing on artnet?) and noticed there was a Dan Flavin show currently on; of course I’m always down for seeing some Flavin work. Visible through the window were some Flavin drawings and sketches; I’ve always liked Flavin’s sketches ever since seeing a big bunch of them at his Retrospective at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., so I stepped inside. As one turned the corner, there was a green and red glow from rooms on one’s left and right respectively. The red room was really impressive, as your eyes adjusted, your pupils dilating depending on where one looked to in the room; turning around to the green-glowing room, there was a single pink fluorescent tube on the back wall, surrounded by the green glow of a nearby work that contained more tubes (seven I think); thus the pink tubed was bathed in green, the pink which reflected to the floor but the green which simply blanketed the wall. There was another piece in the room, a floor work; overall a really impressive room, but I was most-satisfied with the pink tube work, obviously:

Dan Flavin pink tube green wall

Afterwards I went to my studio and made some new work for the Homo Bellicus exhibition opening tomorrow.

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