My flag for The Autonomous Nation of THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU is flying high at Knockdown Center in Maspeth, Queens. Tomorrow from 3-6PM I’ll be conducting a pop-up performance in the trailer in the parking lot, making lil’ flags for attendees (there’s also one opening and another closing reception in the main building). I need to bike everything over (my route is 4.2 miles), putting everything in my two rear panniers. So I usually do this the night before an event/performance, where I lay out everything I’ll need the following day on my bed, and evaluate it – I go over steps, make sure I have everything (you never have everything – for example where’s my lunch?), and add any additional possibly-maybe items. So here’s this project’s spread – even a 3-hour pop-up performance (with shelter and electricity provided) requires all this stuff!
You can zoom in and around in the image below:
On display are, from the bottom-left going clockwise:
- 4 flag samples
- Black & Decker iron
- wooden cutting board
- parchment paper
- plastic bunting
- CAT!
- 4 bag styles
- signature stickers
- Wikipedia printout on HDPE
- fabric tablecloth
- black trash bag
- flag bases (bonne jars)
- 8-ply plastic sample
- ruler
- dowel rods
- LED lamps (for when the sun goes down)
- Alvin cutting mat (on which is contained:)
- 2 pocket warmers
- USB cable
- Blinkytape
- clear cellotape
- patterned cellotape
- timelapse camera + attachments
- Fisherman’s Friend lonzenges in tin
- scissors
- more LED lamps
- Xacto knife + blades
- 2 USB batteries
- spare camera battery