This post by “Jason Stebbings” showed up in my news feed; I looked at the Pressy Button kickstarter ages ago, so maybe there was a cookie and the ad-crunch-monster ate it up. That I don’t even care about.
But who the fuck is Jason Stebbings? Why is a regular user’s post Sponsored? Should not the company promoting the product be the sponsor?
His profile (a page) sure does seem suspicious for a ‘user’ i.e. Human Being:
So it’s an ad, disguised from a user disguised as a page (who only joined Facebook last month) promoting a product with a ‘limited time’ promotion. Man that sucks. It’s hard to know who’s making money off these clicks. Pressy? Facebook? Is Pressy paying Facebook to construct these identities for false promotions? Or is Facebook promising Pressy x-number of eyeballs and clicks in exchange for x-dollars, and then slyly creating those metrics with these fake users? Either way it’s nasty and makes me want less and less to do with all the services involved.
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